Ushering in a New Age:



Ranks, Recruiting, Clan tags, CMS… The age of the clan is dead.. Is this the nail in the coffin? Or the next stage? As I walked back in the scene after a 8 year Hiadeaus. The Xbox Clan scene a once proud group of communities, had whittled down to a few thousand.. The 100’s of thousands of members now reverted to nothing more than a false sense of relevance and want to be power players. 


15 years of the same ranking structures and no need to evolve is why I was brought back. The fostering growth of leadership in the late 2000’s was drained. The X shit throwing is what the community has turned into. So where do we stand?


A community that is splintered down to its last 10 members as of last year. A community that is hidden from most.A community network being attacked on all fronts and a Ghost of another community still lingering around. 


15 years ago social media wasn’t like it was today. The Clan scene ran Xbox and the individual wasn’t as important. You were nothing more than a number. Thrown into with the recruits of the day.. An internet Warrior.You were happy to be apart of something cool bigger than yourself. But things change. All of sudden one person can house a community of thousands and the age of the internet celebrity was a thing. 


Celebrity gamers. Celebrity problems. The turf war fights went from battles in game to social media.That went from social media to slandering another group to win a battle of the public.. Which turned into the decay of the scene to which is now its last gasping breaths. 


As the page turns.. I’m saddened to see the death of what we created. But we are not out of it yet with death is renewal. Embracing individualism and building a support structure to harness creativity is the must in the community. Embracing a new culture… Non military based. Theres no need for a community of thousands anymore. A well trained group in social media and streaming is all you need to build something amazing. Embrace building each other up and drop the power plays.. Thank you for listening  CEO of KSI & EGO Nuker the great.

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About the Author: EGO Nuker